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Dark Humor: How I Cope With Mental Health Issues

Dear readers, this is a very serious three-part series about dark humor and coping with mental health issues. I am, of course, the star of each episode. {Please note: everything you read here is based on my true-life experiences. I kid you not!}

To enhance your enjoyment of the following, keep these ideas in mind. Laughing at yourself, especially with dark humor, will lighten your mood and put things in perspective. Crazy animal videos, epic falls on YouTube, or even political satire can also bring you genuine stress relief. Trying to find tiny bits of funny in difficult circumstances can positively affect your mental health.

So, given that laughter is the best medicine, and dark humor is a coping mechanism, I didn’t object when, in cahoots with the notoriously canceled CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, sweet little ol Tucker Carlson released several psychiatrically-related transcripts from my confidential therapy sessions. Also, Tucker’s promised to make me famous.

Am I Decomposing or Decompensating?

EPISODE #1: An illegally obtained excerpt of my recent therapy session with YouTube therapy quack Sigmundo Freddie Freudo, not to be confused with Frodo of Middle Earth.

Me: “Doctor Freudo, I would really like to work at least until I’m 75.”
Dr. Freudo: “Great. Working helps stave off dementia.”
Me: “Dementia? I’m getting dementia?”
Dr. F: “No. I just meant that—“:
Me: “Oh, my God. I’m getting early-onset Alzheimer’s!!!”
Dr. F: “No, that’s not what I meant. What I meant was-“
Me: “I can’t believe this is happening! I’ve gotta book a nursing home, get impoverished by giving all my money to my husband, and get on Medicaid!!!”
Dr. F: “Stop! You’re catastrophizing. I did NOT say you were getting dementia.”
Me: “Yes, this is a catastrophe!!! Oh, my God. I’m decomposing!!!”
Dr. F: “You mean decompensating.”
Me: “Decomposing!!! Decompensating!!! What difference does it make??? I have ALZHEIMER’S!!!”
Dr. F: “Being cuckoo is quite common, dear lady. And, as you know, a little bit of meshugenah can come in handy. Especially at the DMV.”

Dark Humor & Mental Health: Being Funny About Being Looney

Photo by Raphael42 from Pixabay

EPISODE #2: An illicitly stolen transcript of my intensive outpatient Zoom soiree run by the Metatarsal Psychiatric Institute in the charming city of Hoboken, NJ.

Me/Looney #5: (wafting around the padded room like a bad modern dancer) “I am Hubble. I float around in space. Surrounded by nothingness. I am doomed. Doomed. Doomed.”
Social worker: “You are NOT the Hubble telescope. Get over it.”
Me/Looney #5: I am Hubble.  Cast into the wilderness of hell. Paralyzed because my computer broke.”
Looney #1: “Don’t be an idiot. The Hubble is just a giant, ridiculously expensive space toy that spies on us. And shoots microchips into our brains so we reveal our social security numbers. And forces us to get vaccinated with apple juice.”
Looney #2: “If I were you, Looney #5, and thank God I’m not, I’d crawl into bed and stay there until the earth is hit by a meteor. I think that’s scheduled for a week from Thursday.”
Looney #3: “That’s stupid, Looney #2. You should be an in-patient, you know that?”
Social worker: “Hey, you losers. We’re not here to judge our fellow nut cases, but to empathize, understand, and support.”
Looney #4: “I’m not supporting anyone. I’m going through a ridiculously expensive divorce and I’m already supporting seven lawyers. All crooks.”
Looney #1: “I think Looney #5 is very empathic, identifying with Hubble’s possible pending demise. Her mommy should give her an extra cookie for snack. And maybe a few extra happy pills.”

Brief Interlude: A Mental Health Joke

A man starts his new job at an insane asylum. He’s given his orientation and, at the very end, is asked if he has any questions. “Yes, how do we know if a patient is ready to leave the asylum?” “Well,” the director says. “We just ask them a simple question and, based on their response, determine if they need to stay longer.”

The director then calls up three patients for a demonstration. He asks the first one, “what’s 6 times 6?” The patient is shaking and nervously says, “1000?” The director says, “give him six more months,” and turns to the next patient. This patient jumps up and down and screams, “February!” “Oh god no!” says the director. “Another year!”

Finally, he turns to the third patient who looks at him calmly and says, “well, the answer is obviously 36.” “Yes!” exclaims the director. “How did you know that?!” “Easy, I just divided 1000 by February.”

Laughter, Animals & Telepathy

EPISODE #3: A brief intro by the aforementioned Chris Cuomo: “In partnership with Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, and the Mayo Clinic, we have released the following clinical tête-à-tête with a patient recently diagnosed with Looney Tunes Personality Disorder (LTPD). We refer to her as Madame Agata ZeuBlouze. National father figure and George Clooney look-alike Armando Fauci-Bulles-Drôles facilitates.” {Note: Dr. F-B-D engages in dark humor when being asked stupid questions about fake COVID treatments.}

Agata (really me): “Yesterday, as I watched the ducks go poopy on my sidewalk, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to quack. I don’t know what got into me. Maybe Satan? But quack I did. The ducks immediately stopped pulling up my grass, turned around, stared into my soul, and returned my quack.

“I quacked again, and soon a symphonic call-and-response of human-to-duck quacking made even Skippy the Squirrel sit up and take notice. I knew the ducks and I were connected on a deep spirit level because I had an intense urge to chew on the grass beneath my shoes.”

FBD: “Hmmm…a possible case of mallardomania, a personality disorder related to excessive quacking. Please go on.”

Agata (really me):” Fluffypuss and Peekaboo have telepathically revealed themselves to me. They follow me with their eyes wherever I go. Watch my every move. And then they accuse me with their thoughts. ‘You are a bad mother’. ‘You are holding us back from pursuing our dreams. ‘ ‘You never take us to the ballet’.

At night they shuffle around outside the bedroom door, breathing heavily, and whispering, ‘Your cooking stinks’. ’Your belly rubs suck’. ‘We hate that flannel nightgown you wear. You look like an old lady’.”

FBD: “I’m sure it’s your deeply warped imagination, Madame.”

Agata (really me): “You great big phony quack! You should hear what they say about you!!”

Image by IFunnyBrazil

One Final Laugh: The Best of Chris & Andy

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. norm rothfeld

    This is very funny and meaningful information about your struggles with mental health issues. We think we are the only ones with issues.
    Alas, most have experienced mental health obstacles. You had the courage to pursue help in overcoming them. I took that road as well. Hooray for us. Keep up the great creative work u present here.

    1. Amy

      I’m glad you enjoyed the dark humor! It’s not for everyone. But, underneath the humor, is actual experience.

  2. Linda

    Nice light entertainment

    1. Amy

      Glad you enjoyed the story!

  3. Richard

    Love the February joke. I’m going to steal it now.

    1. Amy

      Feel free to steal the joke! Thanks for reading.

      1. Richard Chalfin

        Very funny stuff! Do you remember me? Richard Chalfin from Brooklyn College Dance Department!
        You took the most wonderful photo of me. It sits in my bedroom wall and lifts my spirits. Please reply if you’d like to stay in touch.